Twin Cities Code Camp

Scott Davis

Advanced RIA Services

by Scott Davis

Thu, Apr 01, 2010
Time: 0:00

Anyone that has followed Silverlight in recent months has probably heard that RIA Services is "game changing." Admittedly, it is pretty cool, but what if you want to go past the slap-it-together demos everyone is doing on the Internet? What if I want to tailor RIA Services for my specific needs? How do I minimize my data traffic to keep my cloud computing costs as low as possible?

In this session we will look under the hood for RIA Services and explore how to manually manipulate RIA Services from code. How do I force one row in my RIA Services bound datagrid to update, without refreshing the whole page? Where is the RIA Services cache inside my Silverlight application? How can I access it, what if I want to remove something from the cache? How can I control filtering from my code? How do I implement security into my RIA Services? This session will cover these topics and more.

About the Author

Scott Davis is a seasoned consultant with a decade of consulting experience on both the Microsoft and Java platforms, involving mostly Web application development. Recent work for Scott has primarily revolved around Microsoft Silverlight, starting with the 1.1 Alpha release. Scott has experience in web, desktop, mobility, reporting, and database design and development, as well as project & staff management. Scott is currently the owner and principal consultant for Ignition Point Solutions; he is the leader of the Twin Cities Silverlight User Group; he is the president of BizLounge, a local entrepreneur group; and he is a member of the adjunct faculty in the information technology management master's degree program at St Mary's University in Minneapolis.