Twin Cities Code Camp

Adam Grocholski

T4: Stop Coding and Start Generating

by Adam Grocholski

Thu, Oct 01, 2009
Time: 0:00

Did you know Visual Studio 2008 comes with a code generator? Well it does, and you should learn to use it so you can stop writing repetitive code (i.e. DTO's and DAL's) and generate it. Come to this session to learn about the Text Template Transformation Toolkit (T4). T4 allows you to use simple ASP.NET-like template syntax to generate application source code, configuration files, stored procedures and more. This session will give you all the information you need to start using T4 effectively in your project, TODAY! We will go from basics (such as T4 template syntax) to advanced topics (such as template design and use of T4 in large projects) stopping along the way to create several templates from scratch.

This will be a PowerPoint free presentation. No slides, just code!

About the Author

Adam Grocholski has a great job at RBA Consulting in Minneapolis, MN where he has been working since 2006. Lately he has been diving into the latest and greatest UI technologies such as Silverlight and WPF and showing his clients how they can leverage these technologies to create compelling line of business applications. Adam also has a strong commitment to the local developer community. From co-founding the Twin Cities Cloud Computing user group, to hosting nerd dinners, to speaking at the .NET and Silverlight user groups and code camps. When not working he enjoys spending time with his two awesome daughters and amazing wife. You can catch up with his latest projects and thoughts on technology at, or if that's a bit too verbose for your liking you can always follow him on twitter at