Twin Cities Code Camp

Kevin Gisi

No More Excuses: Test Your Javascript!

by Kevin Gisi

Thu, Oct 01, 2009
Time: 0:00

Javascript errors are nasty. All too often when a developer writes a web application, they may write fantastic unit and functional tests, but forget that all-important final layer of testing Javascript. Few enjoy debugging scripting errors, so we'll take a look at how to use libraries like Screw.Unit, Smoke, JSpec, and JSocka to help address those typos, errors, and even more dangerous design issues of "Doing the wrong thing right."

About the Author

Kevin Gisi is a Ruby on Rails application developer at the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. A Rails Rumble 2008 award winner for an accessibility-focused web application, Kevin is a strong advocate for accessibility-mindful application design, test-driven development, and writing clean code. Kevin is the author of the JSocka mocking and stubbing framework for Javascript, and is currently writing Firefox Extensions: Creating Tools for Productivity for the Pragmatic Bookshelf.