Twin Cities Code Camp

Keith Dahlby

LINQ Internals

by Keith Dahlby

Thu, Oct 01, 2009
Time: 0:00

Though Language INtegrated Query provides a revolutionary way to write code in C# 3.0 and Visual Basic 9, it is powerless without several enabling language features and libraries. This session will explore the technologies that make LINQ possible and show how you can use the same techniques to make LINQ work for you.

About the Author

Keith Dahlby is a .NET developer and language geek from Cedar Rapids, IA. He works as a SharePoint consultant with Inetium and blogs about SharePoint and .NET at Solutionizing.NET and Los Techies. Keith is active in the local INETA chapter and has spoken at community events around the midwest. He is also studying Human-Computer Interaction at Iowa State University.