Twin Cities Code Camp

Brian Hogan

Introduction to Ruby

by Brian Hogan

Thu, Oct 01, 2009
Time: 0:00

Come learn about Ruby, and how it's much more than Rails. Ruby is a dynamic, fully object-oriented language that borrows from Perl, Smalltalk, and LISP, but provides a clean, simple syntax usable by hobbiests, but enough power to be used by some of the most hardcore metaprogrammers in the world. Ruby has caught the attention of Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, and Sun, powers sites like and Hulu, and is an absolute joy to work with. In this presentation, you'll learn the fundamentals of Ruby, and you'll see it in action as we build a simple web service using the Sinatra microframework, a static web site with StaticMatic, and we'll test a web site using Cucumber and our browser. Ruby is a lot more than Rails, so come learn about it today!

About the Author

Brian Hogan has been developing web sites professionally since 1995 as a freelancer and consultant. He's built small and large web sites and web applications using ASP, PHP, and Ruby on Rails. He enjoys teaching and writing about technology, particularly web design and development.