Twin Cities Code Camp

Chris Williams

XNA Overview

by Chris Williams

Wed, Oct 01, 2008
Time: 0:00

This session will cover what XNA is (and isn't) along with what's needed to develop with both XNA 2.0 and the 3.0 beta. We will also cover key differences between the two versions along with the features and limitations of each. Target platforms of Windows, XBOX 360 and Zune will be discussed. We'll go through some demos and take a look at some code, identifying key aspects of the XNA Framework and game development.

About the Author

Chris Williams is a Technology Evangelist for Magenic. He is the founder of several .NET User Groups on the east coast, and most recently the Twin Cities XNA User Group and Twin Cities Developers Guild, both in Minneapolis, MN. He is a rabid blogger at, author of the very popular NINE Questions series and owner of the VB Community site His most recent project is the Charity Fragathon, a fundraiser event for Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.

He's also a Visual Basic .NET MVP, MCT, MCSD (.NET) Early Adopter, MCAD, freelance game developer, occasional author, tech editor, code camp & user group speaker, vintage arcade game collector and plays a pretty mean guitar in Rock Band. The rumors are true, he loves Visual Basic so much he even named his dog VB.
