Twin Cities Code Camp

Jason Bock

Exceptional Development: Dealing With Exceptions in .NET

by Jason Bock

Wed, Oct 01, 2008
Time: 0:00

Presentation Materials

.NET provides a rich mechanism for creating and handling errors in software. Yet it can be (and has been) abused and manipuated (sometimes in very subtle ways) in the name of "reliable code." In this session we'll cover exceptions: how they are created, when should they be handled, and what are some best practices to follow.

About the Author

Jason Bock is a Principal Consultant for Magenic, and is also a Microsoft MVP. He has worked on a number of business applications using a diverse set of substrates and languages such as C#, .NET, and Java. He is the author of "Applied .NET Attributes", "CIL Programming: Under the Hood of .NET", ".NET Security", and "Visual Basic 6 Win32 API Tutorial". He has written numerous articles on software development issues and has presented at a number of conferences and user groups. Jason holds a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from Marquette University.
