Twin Cities Code Camp

Erik Dahl

Empowering Developers Through Templates and Packages

.net templating tooling core
by Erik Dahl

Sat, Apr 13, 2019
Room: P0806 A&B
Time: 15:00

Many teams are trying to peel parts of their monolithic applications into smaller chunks that can stand on their own and even be deployed independently of other applications (microservices, anyone??). This talk will describe the benefit that creating starters, templates, and packages can have on teams doing this kind of work -- or even simply starting more than one new application. The concrete examples will be shown using .NET Core, but these concepts can apply to any language and team that is trying to break down monoliths. Packages and templates can encapsulate your opinions and make them sharable and updatable much better than saying "copy / paste these pieces from another project". Demonstrated in this talk will be an ASP.NET Core Web API template that includes bearer token authentication, error handling / logging, and Swagger, as well as an ASP.NET Core Web MVC project that includes standard npm packages, OpenId/OAuth2 setup for authentication, and logging. We'll spend most of our time looking at the mechanics of the templates - the templates themselves, publishing as Nuget packages, and using the CLI to instantiate projects.

About the Author

Erik Dahl has been developing software and architecture for 20+ years, mostly doing in-house development for his employers. He has recently published his fifth Pluralsight course. His other recent work has included a multi-tenant B2B implementation and self-registration B2C implementation for IdentityServer3, upgrading legacy ASP.NET websites from server-side technologies to a client/server mix and adopting TypeScript, Angular application development and structuring, building Web APIs as the back end for mobile and web application. Erik currently works at RealPage as a Principal Architect.