Twin Cities Code Camp

Mark Webb

An Introduction to Vue and Vuex

web vue spa javascript
by Mark Webb

Sat, Apr 13, 2019
Room: P0808 A&B
Time: 12:30

Ever wonder what the big deal is about Vue? Let's take a look at what it is and how this quickly-rising framework is used! Additionally, I'd like to show you when and why you should think about using Vuex (a Redux-like state management plugin) in your projects.

About the Author

Mark Webb has worked in IT for over ten years in numerous roles on the infrastructure side of things before jumping into the developer world, and has really enjoyed the transition! He has become a big fan of Vue and has had fun picking it up for front-end development at his current job. He believes Labrador retrievers are the best dogs (though all dogs are good dogs), being a parent is awesome, we should all be excellent to each other, and using an Oxford comma is the right thing to do.