Twin Cities Code Camp

Keith Voels

Using Async / Await in C# as Designed

by Keith Voels

Sat, Apr 21, 2018
Room: P0808
Time: 13:45

The syntax for Async / Await in C# is straightforward but the mechanics are not. This discussion will help you to understand those mechanics so you can be a true wizard with Async / Await in C#. While sharing a few advanced scenarios we’ll touch on various topics including: System.Threading.Task, ConfigureAwait, Synchronization Context, Task debugging, Unit Testing, TaskCompletionSource and AsyncLocal. This is for developers who are already comfortable with the basics of Async/Await.

About the Author

I've been a .NET Developer for 15 years and currently I am an Application Architect at Aon. We develop and maintain a global platform of 40+ internal line of business applications that serve all areas of the business group. We have the full spectrum of application technologies from web to native to mobile. I am in personally charged with the shared services framework with a focus on bringing in new technologies and establishing new frameworks and patterns. My passions include the business layer, Async / Await and dependency injection.