Twin Cities Code Camp

Scott Addie

Tour de .NET Core CLI

by Scott Addie

Sat, Apr 21, 2018
Room: P1838
Time: 12:30

Poll a large audience of .NET Core developers, and you’ll discover a breed that defies the heavy-handed IDEs of today. It’s inevitable. It’s becoming more commonplace. What are you really missing out on by not using Visual Studio? What does a day in the life of such a developer look like? In this session, we’ll explore what the .NET Core CLI has to offer. From frequently-used commands to item and project template creation to integration with Visual Studio Code, you’ll leave this session with tips to boost your productivity. You'll also gain an understanding of what's going on under Visual Studio's hood when working with a .NET Core app.

About the Author

Scott Addie is an avid blogger, a Telerik Developer Network author, and a technical evangelist of the modern web. Scott has reached masses of developers through blog posts, articles, and speaking engagements at user groups, code camps, and conferences across the globe. With a strong emphasis on JavaScript and the Microsoft web technology stack, Scott holds numerous industry-recognized Microsoft development certifications and has been named a Microsoft MVP twice in the award category of Visual Studio and Development Technologies. His thought leadership in the .NET community has also earned him a seat in the Telerik Developer Experts program. As a firm believer in giving back to the community, Scott is a frequent open source contributor to high-profile GitHub projects in the Microsoft developer ecosystem. In his day job as a "blue badge", Scott produces ASP.NET Core content for