Twin Cities Code Camp

Eric Brandes

Making music with Ableton, Typescript and Node

by Eric Brandes

Sat, Apr 21, 2018
Room: P2844
Time: 9:15

Electronic musicians typically use a keyboard or MIDI controller to create music. But, we’re software developers, so wouldn’t it be more fun if we could generate music with Typescript and Node? This talk is aimed at people of all musical levels. I’ll discuss controlling a digital audio workstation (Ableton Live) with TypeScript, and show you how to use TypeScript and Node to generate MIDI clips for drums, chords, and topline melodies. We’ll actually scaffold out song ideas live, using TypeScript to generate clips that are run through professional grade virtual instruments. Attending this talk should inspire you to see coding as an equally valid avenue to create music, and give you the tools to do so!

About the Author

Eric is the co-founder of TrackJS, a JavaScript error monitoring service. He believes there is no place for optimism in software, and if your code isn't a little gross, it's probably not doing anything very interesting.