Twin Cities Code Camp

Josh Jones

Let's Write a Discord Bot!

by Josh Jones

Sat, Apr 21, 2018
Room: P1808
Time: 15:00

Discord is a popular VOIP and chat application used by gaming communities and streamers. In this talk, I'll show you how to get started writing your own bot that interfaces with the service. We'll cover how to get your application registered, how to get an API key, the libraries available for your particular language, and conclude with a live demo showing the creation of a simple bot from start to finish.

About the Author

I'm a senior software developer in the Midwest primarily writing mobile applications and web services. In my spare time (when I'm not hopelessly addicted to Elder Scrolls Online) I like to experiment with various languages, micro-controllers, and new gadgets (like VR headsets). I also do some 3D Art and 3D Printing on the side.