Twin Cities Code Camp

Jason Lattimer

Why You Really Need Azure Functions

by Jason Lattimer

Sat, Apr 22, 2017
Room: P2844
Time: 10:30

Have some code that's maybe not quite a full application that you need to deploy without worrying about the hassle of managing environments? Well look no further than Azure Functions! Yes, you're probably thinking there's already a dozen other ways to host an application that you already know about so why think about another? Azure Functions provide a uniquely flexible platform which allows developers to deploy code in multiple ways using multiple languages while being able to bind directly Azure or HTTP based triggers. If that doesn't sound appealing then at least you could tell everyone you're going serverless, which sounds cool, right? In this session we'll explore scenarios where using Azure Functions could be useful, pros and cons compared to other technologies, and plenty of examples to give you some ideas.

About the Author

Jason Lattimer (Greenville, WI) is a Development Manager with PowerObjects (Minneapolis, MN) and a Microsoft Business Solutions MVP. Other interests outside of creating custom solutions for Dynamics CRM/365 include Azure and developer tools. When not helping out in forums or talking to user groups he's busy writing code and tools to hopefully make other developer's lives easier.