Twin Cities Code Camp

Chris Johnson

Getting Started with Photon

by Chris Johnson

Sat, Apr 22, 2017
Room: P2844
Time: 13:45

This Internet of Things seems to be the rage these days, come see what the "cool" kids are hacking on these days. In this talk we'll look at some of the hardware, code used to control these devices and if the internet is working some examples. I'll also talk about my experience hacking together little projects using the photon and Raspberry PI.

About the Author

Chris Johnson is a developer, author, teacher and technology consultant living outside of Madison, Wisconsin. He has been developing application professionally since 2003 when he got his first paycheck as a freelancer. He believes that software development is a craft and an art form, not a science. He enjoys crafting clean code and showing what he has accomplished no matter the tools and materials. When he's not developing he enjoys tinkering with technology and mechanical things, photography, video games, playing hockey along with spending time with his wife, their two daughters and their two dogs.