Twin Cities Code Camp

Brian Hogan

Docker for Everyone

by Brian Hogan

Sat, Apr 22, 2017
Room: P0808 A&B
Time: 12:30

Docker is an amazing tool, but unless you work with it every day, you're probably left with a ton of questions. What's a container? What's an image? What's the difference between Docker, Machine, Compose, and Swarm? Why the heck should I care? Well, Docker makes it easier than ever to deploy and scale your applications and services. In addition, it lets you simulate your production environment on your local machine without heavy virtual machines. In this talk, we'll explore the basics of Docker, create a custom image for a web application, create a group of containers, and look at how you can put your apps into production on various cloud providers. At the end of the talk, you'll have the knowledge you need to put this to use with your own applications.

About the Author

Brian Hogan is a web developer, editor, and author of nine technical books including "Exercises for Programmers" and "tmux 2 - Productive Mouse-Free Developmnet." He currently works at DigitalOcean, helping developers like you learn how to put their apps into production.