Twin Cities Code Camp

Dustin Ewers

Building Shiny Web Apps with TypeScript and Angular 2

by Dustin Ewers

Sat, Apr 22, 2017
Room: Garden Room
Time: 12:30

From humble beginnings, JavaScript has gone from a hastily thrown together language for web pages to a hastily thrown together language that runs everywhere. If you can do it with code, you can probably do it in JavaScript. It's the Swiss Army Knife of programming languages. Unfortunately, JavaScript wasn't designed for the large scale apps we use it in today. We've had to rely on design patterns, willpower, and luck to mitigate JavaScript's failings. However, there is a better way. TypeScript adds features to JavaScript that make it usable on large projects. Additionally, the bar for web applications gets higher everyday. jQuery was cool ten years ago, but it doesn't cut it for modern web apps. We need something with a little more horsepower. Angular 2 makes it easy to build clean, modular web apps. In this talk, we'll explore TypeScript and Angular 2 and how they can be used together to build large-scale web applications. We will learn how to get started and get up to speed quickly.

About the Author

Dustin Ewers is a consultant at Centare, where he works to help businesses build better software. Dustin has been building software for over 10 years, specializing in Microsoft technologies. He is an active member of the technical community, speaking at user groups and conferences in and around Wisconsin. While not building the software of the future, Dustin likes a mix of low tech and high tech hobbies, including reading, cooking, hiking, and photography. He blogs about technology at