Twin Cities Code Camp

Keith Voels

Async/Await: Pain in the Async

by Keith Voels

Sat, Apr 22, 2017
Room: P0838
Time: 12:30

An overview of advanced Async/Await topics. Async/await is great and easy!! Unit it's not. This will be a walk thru of the areas where Async/Await can be difficult and how to deal with them. Topics include: System.Task, exception handling, avoid void Async, unit testing including Moq, async constructors (or lack thereof), deadlocks and ContinueWith, Reactive Extensions and synchronization context. The focus will be on code examples and research resources.

About the Author

I've been a .NET Developer for 15 years. Right now I am an application architect at Aon. My department develops internal line of business applications using Microsoft technologies. I am in charge of the shared services framework with a focus on bringing in new technologies and establishing new frameworks and patterns.