Twin Cities Code Camp

Jason Bock

Busting .NET Myths

by Jason Bock

Sat, Apr 16, 2016
Room: Rapson 100
Time: 9:45

Structs and classes. Disposable objects. Asynchronous code. Both C# and the .NET Framework have a ton of features and capabilities within, but sometimes erroneous information is spread about how they work. In this session, we'll set things straight on a number of topics so you know exactly what's going with your code.

About the Author

Jason Bock is a Practice Lead for Magenic ( and a Microsoft MVP (C#). He has 20 years of experience working on a number of business applications using a diverse set of frameworks and languages such as C#, .NET, and JavaScript. He is the author of "Metaprogramming in .NET", "Applied .NET Attributes", and "CIL Programming: Under the Hood of .NET". He has written numerous articles on software development issues and has presented at a number of conferences and user groups. He is a leader of the Twin Cities Code Camp ( Jason holds a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from Marquette University. Visit his web site at