Twin Cities Code Camp

Dan Mork

Inside the WCF Web Service Software Factory

by Dan Mork

Sun, Apr 01, 2007
Time: 0:00

The Microsoft Patterns and Practices group created the Web Service Software Factory (WSSF) to assist developers and architects quickly and consistently build services which follow sound architecture principles and design patterns. WSSF helps automate common tasks such as project layout, message design, service interface design, message validation, and domain object/data contract translation. In this session, we will build a simple application with WSSF (WCF version) to demonstrate its usage, strengths and weaknesses.

About the Author

Dan Mork is a Lead Consultant at Inetium, a Microsoft partner in the Twin Cities. He has twelve years of experience in software development for companies ranging from obscure startups to Microsoft. His interests includes agile development, service-oriented development, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and Ruby on Rails.

Jeff Knutson is a Senior Consultant for Magenic Technologies in Minneapolis, MN. Jeff's primary job interests include web services and security. He has over 12 years experience with various Microsoft development technologies and holds numerous certifications including the MCSD.NET.