Twin Cities Code Camp

Kamran Ayub

TypeScript In Action

by Kamran Ayub

Thu, Oct 01, 2015
Time: 0:00

Do you want to learn how to automatically generate strongly-typed Angular services for your Web API? What about Knockout view models that stay synced with your server-side code? In this session, we will walk through a sample application that leverages TypeScript, Angular2, and ASP.NET MVC/Web API. You will learn how TypeScript can help augment your development experience and your existing knowledge as a Javascript developer by adding type safety, OO concepts, and ES6 features to your codebase. If you consider yourself a C# or .NET developer and do Javascript on the side, TypeScript is a great fit for all the paradigms you're used to. If you work in a Linux or Mac world, you’ll still be able to leverage TypeScript with cross-platform tooling. Come and learn something that might help you become more productive and make your applications more robust and less scary to refactor. The speaker recommends watching his previous TypeScript Demystified talk for a grounding in the concepts of TypeScript but it’s not required.

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