Twin Cities Code Camp

Allen Sanborn

Structured Logging with Serilog on .NET

by Allen Sanborn

Wed, Apr 01, 2015
Time: 0:00

Logging is an essential part of an application but for too long we've been stuck with log entries that are a string and a property bag which can be difficult to analyze and correlate with other log entries. It is too hard to create meaningful logs for complex distributed systems when we are stuck using old logging frameworks. The Serilog library for the .NET framework and its structured or semantic logs allow us to add more context to our logs, more easily correlate logs across systems and greatly ease our querying and exploration of errors based on events in the system and other log entries. Serilog is easy to integrate into existing applications and can help you provide the rich data that you are looking for at development time in and in production by abstracting your logging sinks away from how you create your messages. It has a clean and simple API and a healthy ecosystem of sinks for your application to log to so you'll still be able to meet your companies standards and help improve upon them. Let your logs make you happy for once.

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