Twin Cities Code Camp

Nick Melnick

NoSQL Done Right: Introduction to Couchbase

by Nick Melnick

Wed, Oct 01, 2014
Time: 0:00

Couchbase is a NoSQL solution that provides incredible speed combined with unparalleled elasticity, built on top of a stack that includes Memcached and CouchDB. It has built-in clustering, built-in caching, replication with auto-failover, and can be upgraded with zero downtime. Data stores can be based in memory or disk, or a combination of the two, and data can be replicated across a cluster of machines, or to multiple geographic locations with eventual consistency. As an added bonus, the language support is great.

This is a no-BS introduction to Couchbase, without a language focus. We will go over the Couchbase admin interface and building a small cluster in the cloud, and demo basic document storage and map reduce functions in JavaScript. We'll spend a little time on XDCR, for replicating to other data centers, or to ElasticSearch. We will then create and walk through an example client application for Couchbase, written in JavaScript, and showing a mirror application in C#.

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