Twin Cities Code Camp

Philip Nelson

Evolving From REST to Hypermedia Designs

by Philip Nelson

Wed, Oct 01, 2014
Time: 0:00

RESTful approaches for exposing data via HTTP have become very popular over the last 5 years, but it turns out we aren’t done with this yet. The original paper by Roy Fielding that coined the phrase was actually talking about something quite different than what we think of REST being today. His idea’s focus was the messages (media types) used to transition from one state to another in a process oriented design using a small number of “verbs”. This is quite different from the entity oriented designs where the client holds the knowledge of the overall process that we have grown used to. At the center of the style is a state machine that is used to tell the client what it’s possible next steps are which it does with every response. Come and explore what a hypermedia design looks like from both the client (Wordpress plugin or javascript) and server’s (in c#) perspective with an application written on the Hypertext Application Language (HAL).

  • What do mean only one starting url?
  • Hey you changed the url of my kittens link, what the heck!
  • So I can just ignore that rel and profile stuff, ok?
  • A resource, so you just mean my database, right?
  • A media type is like my mp3’s, right?
  • I love version numbers, so where do they go?
  • How do know when I can update my kitten photo and when I can’t?
  • No hacker will try to use this I am pretty sure.

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