Twin Cities Code Camp

Justin Wendlandt

Visual Studio Automation

by Justin Wendlandt

Tue, Apr 01, 2014
Time: 0:00

There are a lot of exciting talks about how to implement particular functionality X in Framework Y using programming language Z. Not too many people get excited or present about how to improve your daily development workflows and tasks.

This talk will focus on how to automate everything you can imagine using Visual Studio 2013. This includes topics involving T4 templating languages, custom code generators, creating Visual Studio project templates (.vsix files) and building NuGet packages. We will also examine how to use the Visual Studio DTE COM-API to automate tasks in Visual Studio. The emphasis on this talk will be around how you as an architect or team lead can enable the other members on your team to start up a project or application using pre-built templates so that you can maintain consistency between all of your applications in the enterprise.

A lot of contribution work going on at Microsoft to enable the open source community to contribute more project and project item templates for Visual Studio that you can check out / contribute to located at

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