Twin Cities Code Camp

James Greene

Level-Up Your Web Dev Toolset With GruntJS

by James Greene

Tue, Oct 01, 2013
Time: 0:00

Are you writing JavaScript or CSS for a web application? Maybe you even compile some CoffeeScript or SASS? Do you concatenate and minify your files? How about linting them? And you run your unit tests every time you make a change, right? ...RIGHT!? There's always been a lot of grunt work involved with frontend development but there have never been great tools for improving your workflow as a developer. That is, until Node.js came along and completely changed the game in terms of what is possible to do on the server-side. Come see how GruntJS (a VERY useful Node.js module) can make your life easier by taking care of most of that grunt work for you! Adhering to best practices has never been easier. This session will also touch on Node.js, NPM, PhantomJS, Bower, and more.

About the Author