Twin Cities Code Camp

Lyle Luppes

FUD in the land of MVC5 and SPAs

by Lyle Luppes

Tue, Oct 01, 2013
Time: 0:00

There is certainly a lot of uncertainty and doubt around the topic of SPAs (Single Page Applications), and that makes any experienced programmer afraid. There are dozens of ways to create SPAs and each one promises to be the best (at least until next month when another new method comes out). Join me as I work through some of the issues faced while creating Single Page Applications using ASP.NET and MVC5. We’ll explore what’s new in Visual Studio 2013, MVC5 and WebAPI, and then look at a couple of techniques for creating SPA applications in MVC using MVC partial pages and using some of the popular libraries like Knockout and Ember. I’m sure we’ll be able to cover all those topics in one hour, right? :)

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