Twin Cities Code Camp

Kamran Ayub

Diving Into the Deep with Web API

by Kamran Ayub

Mon, Apr 01, 2013
Time: 0:00

You've watched introduction videos and presentations, you've played with Web API, and now you're considering it for a real-world project. In this session, we'll go over multiple issues with using Web API "in the real world" including debugging, IOC, custom routing, error handling, working with the client-side, versioning, anti-XSS protection, async actions, authorization/authentication, and working with multiple front-ends (Windows 8 and the web). This session is intended for those who are already familiar with Web API, but everyone is welcome. Kamran will be using his own project as an example, for better or worse, and would love for attendees to bring their own experiences to the discussion. Code will be slung, questions will be raised, and knowledge will be shared.

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