Twin Cities Code Camp

        Aaron Erickson

Big Data or Big Hype - Analytics from the Developer Perspective

by Aaron Erickson

Mon, Apr 01, 2013
Time: 0:00

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you have likely read an article, seen a talk, or read some noxious vendor's brochure hailing the coming "Big Data Revolution". The hype has become so thick that anything that involves a database is being rebranded "Big Data" in the same way that anything that involves the Internet has been rebranded "Cloud".

In this talk, we are going to separate the cool stuff from the malarkey. We will cover:

  • Big Data and Analytics - Why it Matters
  • What is a Data Scientist? - How are they different?
  • What kind of problems are solved using Analytics?
  • What are the boundaries? What kinds of things should not be called Analytics?
  • What technologies are used? Do they involve functional programming? Hint: It isn't just trendy Hadoop stuff...
  • Real world examples from recent projects

By the end of this talk, you should be both:

  • excited about analytics - what it can really do for you and your clients
  • prepared to fight the battle between the hucksters who are out there rebranding anything that remotely involves a database as big data - and the real thing that can really drive business value

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