Twin Cities Code Camp

Andy Pickett

Get Your SQL Server Under Source Control

by Andy Pickett

Sun, Apr 01, 2012
Time: 0:00

Have you ever had that dream, where you're coding away, and a team mate asks you to "mail them that 1 stored proc", so you do, then they come back and say "that broke my local DB's schema!!". And then you wake up only to realize.... IT WASN'T A DREAM!?! Science tells us that less than 8.268% of Dev Teams use source control for their database. That's crazy talk! How do you people sleep at night?! Come see some fresh techniques using tools by Microsoft and Redgate to tame the savage data beast. We'll explore getting schemas and data into your favorite source control repository, complete with change history and merge resolution. The Tour de Force will be leveraging these tools into a Continuous Integration AND Deployment process, complete with auotmated Test Data Generation and Integration Tests. Then sleep well at night knowing all your data babies are snuggled in and safe.

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