Twin Cities Code Camp

        Wade Schultz

Big Data and Healthcare: Wireless Monitoring, Data Storage, and Analysis

by Wade Schultz

Sun, Apr 01, 2012
Time: 0:00

In this session we will cover several topics related to obtaining, storing, and analyzing health and fitness data. With the increasing number of cheap, portable monitoring devices, individuals can capture and record health-related data almost constantly. Unfortunately, few of these devices are capable of integrating or providing a useful assessment of the measurements. We will demonstrate how to quickly capture data from Bluetooth-enabled devices such as the Wii Balance Board, Zephyr Bioharness, and others using both WPF and Android applications. Once the data is captured, we will store these real-time results in MongoDB and provide a simple web service secured with Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) to access and submit data securely from mobile devices. Providing efficient, integrated services such as these will be increasingly important in providing the best data and analysis possible to both healthcare providers and consumers.

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